Flag of the United States “The Symbol of Our Great Republic” Regulations
The American Flag When to Display How to Display Flag Half-Staff Dates Unless that day is also Armed Forces Day, then flags are to be flown at full-staff. Veteran’s Prayer Taps
Our flag is a symbol of our great country, our heritage and our place
in the world. We owe reverence and respect to our flag. It represents
the highest ideals of individual liberty, justice and equal opportunity
for all. Flags are flown daily in designated areas over all Archdiocesan
Cemeteries to honor those presently serving and those who have served.
Smaller flags are permitted on individual graves from Memorial Day
thru Flag Day and on Veteran’s Day. Veteran’s Day flags may be placed
three (3) days prior to the holiday and remain one (1) week after the
holiday. All flags must be presentable and will be removed and disposed
of according to the norms of the Quatermaster General of the United
States Army.
The staff of the flag is placed directly in the soil in an upright position one-foot
in front of and centered with the headstone.
Shaft-type veteran and fraternal organization flag holders are prohibited.
In addition to the dates listed below, the flags may be flown at
half-staff on other solemn occasions, as directed by the President
and/or Governor.
Almighty God, Father and Protector of all,
We ask that you grant a speedy reward to all
Veterans who have passed out of this mortal life.
In your infinite and loving mercy forgive their failings
and faults that they may join with You for eternal happiness.
Your Son, Jesus Christ, suffered death on the cross and gained
for them a share in His victory over sin and death.
Grant the veterans who have gone to rest in Christ that they may
share in the joy of His resurrection. Amen.
By Rev. Msgr. William B. Naedele
Day is Done.
Gone the Sun
From the Lakes,
From the Hills,
From the Sky,
All is Well
Safely Rest
God is Nigh