Continuing the Journey – Preparing a Catholic Funeral


“Continuing the Journey” is a planning guide written to accompany the Order of Christian Funerals. It is a valuable resource for the funeral, whether the death was unexpected or planned for in advance. The information contained in this booklet comes from many sources. It is designed to ease this time of loss and transition. It carefully takes the person through the journey of preparing a Catholic funeral and the rituals involved. It also has forms to record his or her wishes while going through the planning process.

“Continuing the Journey” is a tool for pastoral staffs, lectors, musicians, funeral directors, cemeterians and bereavement counselors. It assists the many families who are either pre-planning their own arrangements or those of their loved ones. “Continuing the Journey” allows those who are grieving, as well as those who are assisting them, to appreciate the funeral as a journey taken with the family and parish community.

The booklet has been designed to ensure that the practical details connected with planning a funeral are explained in a way that helps all involved make the funeral a fitting celebration of the special meaning of the deceased person’s life.

Available in English or Spanish, obtain a copy of the booklet by calling (866) Pre-Plan or by email at CEMETERY@RCAN.ORG.

Catholic Cemeteries offers presentations about The Order of Christian Funerals in all the parishes. If you are interested, please contact Catholic Cemeteries at the above number or email.